why does everyone hate wesley crusher

Because instead of writing plausible stories about an exceptionally smart kid and what his life would be like on a ship like the Enterprise, they c Speaking for myself: I found Wesley to be an insult to me, as a member of the audience. I didnt hate the character of Wesley Crusher, but I quickl While the writing was less than stellar in most of season 1, Wil Wheaton was As a human, however, Wesley does not. They dont necessarily hate Wesley Crusher. I think it's just because the whole "'boy wonder' saves the day again" trope finally wore thin. There were too many times where his little exper Wesley Crusher is an example of something I've seen repeatedly in popular media: "genius" characters who are written by people who have no idea wha It's basically because of the first season, where this untrained kid manages to know what to do and how to save the day better than the trained professionals. Why did Dr Pulaski replace Dr Crusher? Why does everyone hate wesley crusher i havent seen all episodes of star trek tng but i fail to understand why wesley crusher is such a hated character and is perceived as annoying and arrogant wesley is intelligent intuitive kind and helpful. The simple answer is that in season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher is a poorly written Mary Sue. I don't think this "hatred" of Wesley Crusher should be analysed from an in-universe perspective. The Memory Alpha page on Wesley provides this quote: Wesley Crusher also has the distinction of being one of sci-fi's most hated characters. It is worth noting the deaths of Wesley's father and Jake's mother are connected to Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Deviation Actions. Here's the weird thing about it. I always liked Wesley Crusher. I always thought of him as an exceptional teenager who was smart and became respect Wesley's father was Jack Crusher, a Lieutenant Commander serving under Captain Picard on the U.S.S. Going through season 7 of TNG at the moment, and Wesley Crusher shows up again. Despite doing his best to impress, Wesley Crusher is still one of the Star Trek franchise's most hated characters. May 2, 2012 5 min read. For a time in her past, she was romantically involved with William Riker's father, Kyle Riker, with whom she has maintained a friendship. Everyone likes to hate on Wesley Crusher. I don't get it. If you hated Portrayed by actress Diana Muldaur, Pulaski replaced the character of Commander Beverly Crusher for the second season after Gates McFadden's contract was not renewed. I haven't seen all episodes of Star Trek TNG but I fail to understand why Wesley Crusher is such a hated character and is perceived as annoying and arrogant. Why Didnt Picard And Crusher Get Together Quora. Aug 1, 2008. Did people hate Wesley Crusher? Teenagers may have the smarts but they do not have the maturity and life experiences required for senior officer duty. I mean, there's no excuse for that kind of behaviour. I can't speak for the audience at home, but my understanding is that the Enterprise crew themselves really hated Wesley because he was the only one who used to use the last of the toilet paper but never replaced it with a new roll afterwards. In regards to other races it may well be that someone who is a teenager in human years has the social, emotional and psychological maturity to do what Wesley does. Wesley is intelligent, intuitive, Weve established that Wesley Crusher was not a well-liked character on Star Trek: The Next Generation, at least by some viewers. Some of the episodes he was in were stupid (the whole 'traveler' bit) but it wasn't enough to make me hate him. Why does no one like Wesley Crusher? At the end of Star Trek: The Next Generation's third season, Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) was unexpectedly written out of the show, which left many fans wondering what might have led to the decision. In another movie, on another character, Wheaton pulls it off as charming, but for some reason in Star Trek, among the adult cast and futuristic setting, he sends eyes rolling when he's onscreen. From his smarmy attitude to his ridiculously superior intellect, here are 15 Things About Wesley Crusher That Make No Sense. Add to Favourites. Wesley The Trek BBS. Its because hes smarter than they are, and they hate being constantly shown up by a teenager. Whatevs, yo. I always thought people disliked him because Why You Hate Wesley Crusher! He had some good episodes too. It's Stargazer. I liked the one where he was because they believe is deeply annoying and arrogant, he saved the day too often and got to pilot the flagship of Even Captain Picard, the symbol for all things moral in this cold, dark universe. So I did a bit of a Crusher-esque review of Star Trek: The Next Generation to try and find ways that Wesley Crusher was not so awful and was able to scrape together a list full of Is it becuase he was a teenager who was allowed access on the main All the characters on Star Trek are already smart, capable people. Theyve been through the academy, they scored high on their exams, theyve becom The reason people, especially hardcore fans dislike him is because they feel as if Gene Roddenberry made wesley a wunderkind that was supposed to unhumbly represent him in real life when he was a child. why does wesley crusher wear a grey uniform why does wesley crusher wear a grey uniform It's just dickish. I was watching a random ST:TNG episode on Spike and was wondering this. The simple answer is that in season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher is a poorly written Mary Sue. And the reason for that is du One of the most-important similarities between the characters is that both lost a parent. People want the Wesley Crusher fairy tale, whose fate rose him to some higher purpose and new existence, forcing him to leave behind his starship family. I have the actual entries on Wes from Gene's Writer's Bible. You can judge for yourselves if Wes is a Gary Stew character. I have left it as writte Why does Picard hate Wesley? So please enlighten me why people disliked this character so much. Wesley Crusher wasn't well-liked on Star Trek: TNG And if you ask them why they dislike Wesley, they immediately start ticking off the reasons: he was annoying, arrogant, he was a Mary Sue character, he Jan , why does everyone hate wesley i never could understand why he is one of the most hated tng character jpt, dec , kegek rear admiral rear admiral joined basically, wesley crusher particularly in the first season is a sloppily written mary sue he improves later on, especially when he becomes a guest character because the only purpose he really serves in the show is to satisfy Gene Roddenberry's ego, and that fact shines through strongly enough that you can sense it. And the reason for that is due to the 1988 Writers Guild Strike. The biggest reason of all that Wesley Crusher was so hated during The Next Generation series is because a lot of people didnt feel that he earned his spot. They hate the character based on the actor who played Wesley Crusher in Big Bang Theory and only because he was written to be a sort of Fans expressed annoyance that Wesley always seemed to be the one to save the Enterprise I was wondering why does everyone who has watched The Next Generation hate Wesley Crusher? Wesley didnt bother me at all, but I could not stand his mother, Beverly Crusher. She was a cloyingly, annoyingly, extremely overbearing and overp In a poll done by Maxim magazine only Star Wars' Jar Jar Binks topped Crusher's level of annoyance. However, did those reactions ever include an Wesley Crusher wasn't well-liked on Star Trek: TNG And if you ask them why they dislike Wesley, they immediately start ticking off the reasons: he was annoying, arrogant, he was a Mary Sue character, he sulked a Why does everyone hate Wesley Crusher so much Jan , the insinuation was that there would be a lot of taunting and ostracizing, and ole wesley had to buck up and take it he was not Weve established that Wesley Crusher was not a well-liked characteron Star Trek: The Next Generation, at least by some viewers. However, did those reactions ever include an explanation about whypeople disliked the character? These fans are the same ones who refer to Crusher as the show's Mary Sue character. When you're in a multi-season series for years, your character needs to either grow or get out. Wesley Crusher's lack of growth makes no sense, given that as the youngest member of the team he should constantly be growing and changing. Now I understand why everyone hates Wesley Crusher. I didn't hate him (that's a strong word), but he was an annoying member of the main cast. For one, just the fact that Wesley was a child made him s

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